6 Ways To Maximize Your Electric Car Battery Performance in Cold Temperatures
Posted: November 4, 2024
No one wants to be stranded in a car in the winter. At best, you could be cold and late as you wait for a tow or a ride; at worst, you are in danger of experiencing freezing temperatures or becoming involved in an accident. If you drive an electric vehicle (EV), it’s even more important to be prepared for winter weather because all EV...
How much car insurance do I need?
Posted: October 14, 2024
Determining how much insurance you need to be fully protected and fit into your budget is a tricky task. Many factors come into play when answering this question. Things like state minimums, lender requirements, and the value of your assets are all considered when determining the answer. How much car insurance is enough? The answer to this question will vary wildly depending on many factors...
What is Full Coverage Insurance?
Posted: October 7, 2024
If you’ve ever bought or leased a car, there’s a pretty good chance you’ve been told you need “full coverage” auto insurance while under a loan or lease. But what exactly does that mean? Honestly, there is no such thing. It is not a term generally used by insurance companies because no insurance company can cover 100% of all situations, which is why so many...
Top 4 Fall Driving Hazards (And How to Handle Them)
Posted: September 20, 2024
The start of fall brings a lot of welcome things: a new school year, cooler temps and changing leaves. You may not notice it right away, but your daily commute is affected by the shorter days and changing weather, too. (For example: Did you know wet leaves can be as slippery as ice?) Stay alert this fall. Here are the top things to look out...
Back to School: Essential Safety Tips for Drivers
Posted: September 16, 2024
School is officially in session. While kids are brushing up on their math and language arts skills, there are still lessons for the rest of us to learn, too—like: Is it ever OK to go around a stopped school bus? And how do I navigate the student drop-off and pickup lane? This time of year, it's important for drivers to slow down and watch out...